Feeding Your Baby

Five most asked questions for Nurse and Lactation Consultant— Jadah Parks Chatterjee

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Meet Registered Nurse & International Board Certified Lactation Consultant: Jadah Parks Chatterjee

I have always had a nurturing spirit. My experience as a Kinesiologist, Fitness Trainer and Massage Therapist cultivated my interest in wellness and prevention. I became a Registered Nurse and Lactation Consultant in order to have a solid understanding of the maternal child experience, from preconception throughout the first year of life. It was a natural progression for me to become a Registered Nurse. During nursing school, I was a volunteer in Infection Prevention. This experience sparked my interest in all things preventative, and since I was working to prevent infections of the pediatric population, I was drawn to learning how to feed children the best quality baby food to support a thriving quality life.  So, I studied to become a Lactation Consultant.  

I spend my professional days supporting parents and babies as a Postpartum Registered Nurse, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), with a background that supports nurturing them during their postpartum journey. I get to hang out and chat (which I love to do) with parents, new and experienced, about how to heal with loving kindness and how to safely feed their babies. I also get to connect with the most innocent and purest of all human forms, the newborn. 

My heart melts throughout the day as I engage with babies, while teaching their parents to recognize their cues and learn to dance through life with them. It’s pure bliss.

Jadah Parks Chatterjee

Personal notes:

I am from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I have resided in Southern California since 2003. It has been my privilege to parent my now 7.5 year old son, Sachin and have a best friend / husband, Vik, for 10 years. My hobbies are dancing, baton twirling, hula hooping, and cooking a tasty meal to enjoy.  

I am very much a southern belle. I enjoy nothing better than a proper dinner party, which me and my family have at least twice a week. It’s my excuse to use my legacy china from my maternal grandmother. I love to cook and bake. My gumbo and dirty rice is made from pure love. Baking is not my strong suit, but I enjoy it so much. It brings me happy memories of being in the science lab. My double chocolate chip vegan cookies are a winning holiday treat.

Working with Bobbie baby formula:

I am so proud to be apart of the Bobbie team because I fundamentally believe that shaking the stigma regarding infant feeding can lead to more pleasant postpartum experiences for the postpartum parent, the baby and their family members.

Postpartum depression and anxiety are many times triggered by postpartum feeding experience and journey. Bobbie has been intentional at seeing the parent and the baby, placing them both as a priority. When I met Laura and Sarah, the co-founders of Bobbie, we were immediately in alignment on this core value of seeing both persons in this feeding relationship.

I recommend Bobbie because not all families have the option to breastfeed. It is important to me to support a product that is packed with nutrients that will support optimal health, growth and development. The team at Bobbie has been inspired by what to best feed their own children, and are committed to supporting families across the world to give their children the same quality nutrition they deserve.

Five questions Jadah gets asked all the time:

1- How do I know if I’m producing enough milk to feed my baby?

During pregnancy, your body began to produce milk for your baby at 16-18 weeks gestation. Once your baby arrives, we confirm your baby is getting enough milk with the number of wet / dirty diapers (one wet diaper per day of life, at least 2 dirty), daily weights while in the hospital (day of life 1-4) and a follow up appointment for weight checks at 3-4 days of life and again at 10-14 days of life. In addition, we measure jaundice levels to determine if the baby is breaking down bilirubin in their blood, as a buildup will have the baby appear yellow (eyes and/or skin).

2- Am I going to ever sleep again if I continue to breastfeed?

Yes, you will sleep while breastfeeding, however, not the same as you did before becoming a parent. I like to compare a new baby in the house to freshman year at college. I got a LOT of work done, learned A LOT about myself, and I partied a LOT— and rarely slept. Still, I achieved my goal and had some great memories to carry with me. During the first six months of your baby’s life, be extra kind to yourself, and your partner. You can make late nights with your new bundle tender ones that you will remember.   

3- How do I know if my baby is hungry?

Feeding cues are the way babies communicate until about 6-8 months of life.  

  • Baby looking around, eyes, open or closed
  • Hands and fingers in their mouths. I don’t recommend covering hands, those are their best buds, and the scent of amniotic fluid lingers and reminds them of their former residence.

4- Should I feed baby formula first and then breastfeed?

If possible feed your baby breast milk first, followed by formula. Remember, this is a recommendation. If your baby is in the other room screaming and your Zoom call is running over, please empower your partner to feed the baby. No one really likes to be hangry.

5- How do I know if my baby is getting enough breast milk?

A well fed baby sleeps 3-4 hours. A baby who may be breastfeeding and waking up every hour (or not sleep for a 3 hour period) may need to be latched more deeply to connect with your milk ducts. It is possible that when they are at the breasts eating they just aren’t deep enough to gather the volume of milk they are working for. 

Bonus questions:

Is formula feeding bad for my baby?

No, your baby will grow, develop and thrive whether you use breastmilk or formula. FYI, I was an eighties-formula-fed baby and I’ve turned out to be a magical goddess!

Can you come home with me?

I would— for dinner— but then I’ll need to leave. My hubby likes to pamper me with fresh pressed coffee in the morning.

Jadah Parks Chatterjee is a maternal child health Registered Nurse, International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant, and Bobbie Medical Advisor.

The content on this site is for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Discuss any health or feeding concerns with your infant's pediatrician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay it based on the content on this page.

The content on this site is for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Discuss any health or feeding concerns with your infant’s pediatrician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay it based on the content on this page.