
Clean Baby Food: The Formula Mom Reviews Amara Organic Baby Food

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This post was previously published on The Formula Mom’s website.

With both of my kids I was SHOCKED by how quickly the 6-month mark approached. It felt like I had just gotten the hang of their feeding routines and then all of a sudden it was time to start baby on solids!

I felt unprepared for this transition and was overwhelmed by the number of options (and opinions) about how to introduce table food.

Today I’m sharing a product that I wish I would’ve had when my kids were starting solids. For all the fuss about purees versus baby-led weaning, Amara organic baby foods offers the best of both worlds, while also meeting top-level quality standards and providing ultimate convenience for on-the-go. 

Read on for my review of Amara organic baby food!

About Amara Organic Baby Food

Amara wanted to revolutionize the baby food market and they have! A brand built by fellow moms and dads, they wondered why it was impossible to find nutrient-dense baby foods without the preservatives and additives that are commonly found in grocery store products. 

Knowing that high-quality nutrition is paramount before age 2, they created a product that is shelf-stable while maintaining the nutrition, texture, and flavor of fresh. How? By using a proprietary fresh-pressed drying technique that allows the product to retain all of the nutrients that can be damaged or reduced by traditional processing methods. 

Amara’s organic baby food comes in powder form and is easily reconstituted by adding water, formula, or breastmilk. This makes it easy to use at home and on the go regardless of your access to a refrigerator or freezer (which is a limitation of other fresh, organic baby foods on the market).

Packet of Amara organic baby food on high chair tray with bowl of baby food and baby using a spoon to dip

Benefits of Amara Organic Baby Food

Amara was kind enough to send me several boxes of their organic baby food and I was SO impressed with the experience of mixing, serving, and tasting their products. Please hear me when I say: this is a totally different vibe than traditional baby food purees!

These products look, smell, and feel like freshly pureed foods. No wonder their tagline is “Homemade, made possible”! If you’re a parent who wants the convenience of premade with the quality of homemade, Amara is for you. 

Let’s talk about some of the benefits in detail!

High-quality ingredients with purpose

Amara’s products are organic! This means they are free from synthetic pesticides, antibiotics, fertilizers, and growth hormones. Their baby food is made with organic certified produce sourced primarily from the U.S. as well as from South America and Europe as needed. Amara has a Ph.D. nutritionist on staff who oversees the development of products that make sense for complementary feeding— foods that exist as a supplement to breastmilk or formula during baby’s first year!

Keeps texture intact

One of the concerns I hear about purees is the lack of texture. I get it! Purees in a jar tend to have the same smooth texture no matter what type of food is contained within. This is one of the biggest differences I noticed about Amara— their food springs back to life when mixed with water, formula, or breastmilk and assumes the original texture of the fresh food!

I tried several varieties of their baby food and was surprised that the mango puree had the texture of mango, the sweet potato raspberry had the texture of sweet potatoes, and the oats n’berries cereal looked and felt just like oatmeal. Even better, the thickness of the puree can be controlled based on how much liquid is added.

Have a brand-new eater who’s just getting started? Adding more liquid makes for a thinner, smoother product.

Have an older baby or toddler who’s practicing with a spoon? Adding less liquid creates a firmer, thicker product.

No added sugars or preservatives

In order to become shelf-stable, most purees on the market include additives, preservatives, and emulsifiers like citric acid, absorbic acid, or maltodextrin. Amara includes 100% real, whole foods. In fact, their ingredient lists are so short and straightforward it almost feels silly! Their tropical mango puree includes solely organic mango and organic banana, while their peas, corn & carrots puree includes (you guessed it!) organic peas, organic corn, organic carrots and organic potato. There is NOTHING else in here except real whole foods, and always 0g of added sugar.

No plastic waste

Many parents are concerned about the rise of single-use plastics and their impact on the environment. Amara’s products are plastic-free to support sustainability! Each flavor comes in a recyclable box with 5-7 sachets of puree powder, each making 2.5-3oz of puree. Amara estimates that their products use 12x less plastic than other organic baby food brands.

Light and transportable

This might be one of my favorite features— these packets are SO LIGHT and compact. I spent too much time lugging jars of baby food in my purse and on vacation (we’re talking a ton of jars) and they took up so much space. These sachets weigh roughly 15g apiece; basically the weight of a letter from the mail. They require no special equipment to store or serve and can be used anywhere at any time with a shelf-life of 12-18 months. 


When my son was an infant we subscribed to an organic baby food delivery service (one of the options you’ve seen advertised on IG, I’m sure). It was expensive— between $2.75-$3.50 per serving— and it required that we keep it frozen before use.  Amara’s baby food costs only $1.45-$2.50 per serving.

These savings add up over the course of weeks and months— not to mention the time you save by not shopping for, prepping, and pureeing foods yourself. If you’re looking for high-quality organic baby food and you DON’T want to spend more on your baby’s meal than on your own morning coffee, Amara is a great choice.

What If I Don’t Want to Do Purees?

We’re seeing a shift in some parenting circles away from pureed baby food toward “baby-led weaning,” a method of introducing solids that typically involves serving table foods in age-appropriate shapes and sizes. Both approaches to introducing solids are valid! 

One of my favorite things about Amara organic baby food is how versatile it is. Yes, you can make it into a puree to spoon-feed to a baby, but you can do so much more with it! Amara is also great for:

  • Taking the place of traditional baby oatmeals and yogurts
  • Spreading on top of toast, crackers, or rice husks for extra texture and nutrition
  • Serving as a dip for cooked veggies and fruits

Additionally, each box of Amara comes with a recipe on the side for how the packets can be used to make nutrient-dense table foods for the whole family. For example, the sweet potato raspberry box includes a recipe for sweet potato pies (yum!) while the oats, mango ‘n strawberries cereal box includes a recipe for chewy ancient grain cookies.

These nutrient-dense packets are as good for toddlers as they are for babies— even my kids think so and trust me, they’re picky.

Why I Love Amara Organic Baby Food

I have been so impressed with Amara organic baby foods and am truly thrilled to share about it with my friends, family, and followers.

If you’re a parent looking for a high-quality, organic baby food option for your little one, particularly as a convenient alternative to homemade purees, this product is an excellent option.

I always love hearing from parents about items I recommend; if you try this and love it, please let me know at The Formula Mom! Be sure to share this review with your friends as well. Happy shopping!

The content on this site is for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Discuss any health or feeding concerns with your infant's pediatrician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay it based on the content on this page.

The content on this site is for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Discuss any health or feeding concerns with your infant’s pediatrician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay it based on the content on this page.