Formula feeding and breastfeeding— Can you do both?

It’s 100% ok to formula feed and breastfeed. It’s called combination feeding.

What you need to know about good and bad sugar in baby formula

Corn Syrup vs Lactose, let’s discuss the different ways sugars turn up in baby formula.

Five most asked questions for a Pediatric Dietitian- Tiffani Ghere

Our Pediatric Dietitian, Tiffani Ghere, has all the answers when it comes to WHAT you’re feeding your baby and how to make the formula switch, if necessary.

Rae’s Feeding Confessional

Healthcare worker, Rae, had to manage over supply, immunity concerns and Covid all while pumping at work.

Alexis’ Feeding Confessional

Over supply, vasospasms and a painful latch were almost as bad as high-lipase breast milk (100 oz!) that ended up in the trash.

Our Pediatric Dietitian Praises Chrissy Teigen’s Latest Stigma-Busting Tweets

“Amen” to Teigen’s Tweet