Milk Drunk Podcast

Why the Formula Industry Was Due for a Shake-Up

Episode #: 1

Guests: Laura Modi and Sarah Hardy
Expert: Mallory Whitmore, The Formula Mom

Formula feeding isn’t a parenting failure. So why do so many parents still feel that way? In this week’s podcast episode, host Anjelika Temple explores the stigma of formula and the ever-evolving conversation around how we feed our babies. First, she talks with Mallory Whitmore, aka The Formula Mom, about becoming the feeding expert she wishes she had as a new mom. Then, Anj talks to Bobbie co-founders, Laura Modi and Sarah Hardy, about how their difficult feeding journeys led them on a mission to support modern parents—one bottle at a time.

P.S. There’s still a shortage of baby formula in many areas of the country. Have extra you want to donate? Our guest, Mallory (@theformulamom) suggests asking local food banks, domestic violence shelters, Baby2Baby chapters, or parent groups on Facebook. If you’re a Bobbie customer, your purchase also makes an impact: Bobbie partners with Baby2Baby to provide Bobbie baby formula to their network of 45 non-profits around the country, and provides formula to milk-insecure babies in Detroit through Brilliant Detroit. 

The content on this site is for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Discuss any health or feeding concerns with your infant's pediatrician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay it based on the content on this page.

The content on this site is for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Discuss any health or feeding concerns with your infant’s pediatrician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay it based on the content on this page.